Hello all,
I will be at my work place this evening monitoring the servers so I will probably be also on the SO-50 operating portable at the backyard. I will be using a very low gain ultra light antenna not the arrow so there is no reception guaranteed, but it is a full overhead 87 degrees pass, I guess at least at maximum elevation I may hear the sat.
It may be great to hear you again Pavel. I have to said it has been a long time ago, since I brought my portable radio to work, but you re-start the sat-vice on me!!!!
Raydel, CM2ESP
----- Mensaje original ----- De: Ing. Pavel Milanes Costa [email protected] Para: Raidel Abreu Espinet [email protected], Hector L Martinez, CO6CBF [email protected], [email protected], Raydel Abreu [email protected], Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich [email protected], 'José Carlos Caballero García' [email protected], [email protected] Enviado: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:44:27 -0500 (CST) Asunto: CO7WT QRV on FL11 this nigth on SO-50
Hi OMs
I (CO7WT) will be active this nigth (12-feb-3012 ~0130Z) on the SO-50 bird. It will be an aprox. 40 degrees pass here, with my setup I have shure coverage of about 20 degrees and up...
QSL is 100% via manager ( N2CQ ) and will be ready a few days after the contact.
I'm ready for any scheduled contact, always in non office hours... If you are interested, please drop me an email.
Remember, I operate semi-portable, with base rigs and a homebrew arrow in my hand in my QTH's roof.
I'm new to sats, so any suggestion, critics, etc... are always welcomed.
Please if you can hear my say your call slowly and Q coded ;-)