Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) wrote:
With all the talk about the possibility of an L-band uplink and/or S-band downlink on AO-51 since there will be at least 2 other V/U FM satellites available during Field Day weekend, what about sticking with the V/U frequency combination but go with something different for the 2m uplink mode? Using SSB or even CW on the 2m uplink would make AO-51 different than the other V/U satellites, yet still provide a challenge that more stations could take on than L-band or S-band - and the variety that Drew mentioned that the AO-51 group wants to provide for Field Day weekend.
Just a thought...
The range of audio levels coming out of the SQRX on SSB is difficult to match to the FM transmitter. If you recall we've had problems with too strong stations on SSB up causing the FM transmitters to behave poorly and overdeviate. I can only imagine it would be 100 times worse on Field Day. It's a good mode when everyone behaves though!
73, Drew KO4MA