On 07/22/2014 04:09 PM, Kevin M wrote:
But as far as I'm concerned, it IS NOT the ultimate objective of a
satellite operator. It is the BARE MINIMUM of satellite operation, and there is no way I'm going to be satisfied with that for more than one or two passes.
Fair opinion to have, you are entitled to it. However, stating it the way you do gives the impression (to me at least) that you can't see how anyone else would think any differently. When you say "it is NOT the ultimate objective of a satellite operator" I ask myself, 'How does he come to that conclusion?"
I think it goes without saying -- or should -- that any opinion I express on this forum is my own, and not fact by decree. Despite this, I explicitly stated at least twice, that I was expressing my own personal opinion. I do indeed recognize that others disagree with me and take pleasure in minimalist operations, both on satellite and for that matter, on HF. I specifically said:
... to those who enjoy it, more power to you!
But personally, I prefer the shack-potato (I love that term) approach, probably because of how fondly I recall 6-8 hour passes, and the lengthy, antipodal ragchewing that could occur as a result.
As far as doing demos for the uneducated, broomstick waving is an excellent introduction, highlighting the equipment simplicity and low cost. I do personally think that the shack-potato option might also appeal to /some/ of the audience, so I hope the other end of the operations spectrum is mentioned at least briefly.