Is anyone using the EA4TX RCI-SE Interface Board with a Yaesu G-5500 AZ/EL Rotor? If so, please advise. I would like to notes and configuration settings, as I am having problems getting the Elevation rotor to move off 0 degrees and track a target. Azimuth rotor works, but displays a lot of fluctuation +/- 20 showing within the ARSWIN calibration window. ! am using the ARSWIN interface software and NOVA for Windows tracking software. I may need to compare your ars.ini file settings found in the Windows directory with mine. My G-5500 rotor is okay, after several months aggravation with Yaesu service people. What tracking software are you using?
I am new to satellite communications and anxious to bring my system on line. I use FT-847 rig.
Thank You. Gary Chesapeake VA N0EZH