Help ARISS Raise Funds for Critical ISS Radio Infrustructure Upgrade
AMSAT and ARISS are currently supporting a FundRazr campaign to raise $150,000 for critical radio infrastructure upgrade on ISS to enable students to talk to astronauts in space via amateur radio.
Please help by donating today https://fundrazr.com/arissnextgen?ref=ab_e7Htwa_ab_47IcJ9
ARISS is in critical need of the infrastructure upgrade to ensure that programs like talking in space using amateur radio can continue. Through your donations ARISS seeks the following upgrades:
+ Next Generation radio system will support easier radio mode transition, to enable new, exciting capabilities for hams, students and the general public including: * New amateur radio communication and experimental capabilities, including an enhanced voice repeater and updated digital packet radio (APRS) capabilities * Slow Scan TV (picture up and downlinks) in both US and Russian segments of ISS
+ New multi voltage power supply will support present and future radio capabilities and allow wireless experiments to be conducted
+ ARISS needs to build ten Next Generation radio systems to support our development on orbit operations, training and long term maintenance. This includes on-orbit (two units, one unit each in US and Russian segment), flight spares (two units), training (three units), testing (one unit), and ground-based maintenance and troubleshooting (two units)
Donations are fully tax deductible within the USA as AMSAT IS A 501(c)(3) organization.
EMike McCardel, AA8EM Rotating Editor AMSAT News Service Sent from my iPhone