I will be embarking on a grid expedition to some Western States beginning shortly after Labor Day. The grids that I will definitely operate from are: CN93 CN96 DN03 DN05 DN07 DN14 DN15 DN20 DN21 DN22 DN23 DN48 DN54 DN68 DN76 DN78 DM38 DM48 DM49
There will be many other grids on the route but I'll only operate from them if the situation permits. This is a tent camping trip and the weather will play a role in when and if I can operate. The first grid will be DN54 although there may be one or two before that depending on the timing.
I will be using an Icom 910H and an Arrow or Elk antenna rather than the setup in my truck that was used on the Lake Superior Expedition. Setup time and weather will be a factor. I don't anticipate operating in darkness although it may be possible at campsites. I will be using computer control on the linear birds.
We don't have many satellites now and since AO-7 is now switching between Mode A and B, it will only be available every other day. The primary birds will be FO-29 and SO-50. There may be some AO-73 but not likely. If AO-7 is weak, I may operate on CW on that bird only.
I will be trackable as k8yse-9 (3g/4g) and/or k8yse-12 on RF.
Sometime in October I will plan a short trip over to DM63/64 if anyone needs those grids. And on January 1st, 2015, I will operate at least one pass from FM13 in the afternoon.
I don't anticipate doing LOTW for this expedition. Cards should be sent direct. If you have many contacts to confirm, a log excerpt can be sent that I can sign and return to you. Please make sure you indicate which grid I was in for each qso. I plan to record all passes and log on paper as well. QSO's will be confirmed sometime in December.
SO-50 is our only FM bird now. It is difficult to hear and suffers from QRM. I'm sure you have witnessed a station operating from a rare grid that has had trouble making qso's. Sometimes others are not hearing the bird but are still calling; sometimes others are not aware that someone is operating from a rare grid and they will call someone that they have worked many times. You can always work a regular when there is low activity but you and others may only have one chance to work a rare grid. Please give those operating in a remote grid some space to work the bird. It is not a matter of how much power you run, but rather a matter of courtesy.
Another issue we have on SO-50 is QRM from simplex users. You may hear a word or two from them at the end of a valid satellite transmission. They are often very strong and can prevent us from getting into a satellite. There is not much we can do about this problem but if you hear someone on 145.85 locally, please advise them about the ARRL Bandplan that reserves 145.8-146.0 for satellite inputs and ask them to choose another frequency for their simplex activity. Since they are not running 67 Hz PL, we only hear them at the tail end of a valid satellite transmission before the squelch closes.
I hope to work many of you on this trip. Good Luck. 73, John K8YSE