Good Day to all,
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes it seems that there is no 1200baud active these days, I tried many (including the Bird series) without success.
The reason I was asking was that I had some doubt about my setup as I just changed from the Signalink TNC (red transformer) with which I had about 50% success at 9k6 on the uplink to a MicroHAM DXP which is really a nice gear with 100% success now. E.g. yesterday I made about 30 digipeats in one MO-112 pass with max 2 ele. 28 deg., basically 100% success horizon to Horizon.
As regards F3, it is sleeping these days per from the last message I downloaded from Mark (N8MH) he was going to let it rest in an attempt to reduce the frequent shutdown which was recurring lately.
I will continue to try the other birds.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Mar 29, 2022, at 2:38 AM, alex weimer [email protected] wrote:
Jean Marc.. as per your request on the amsat-bb right now there are no active digipeaters on 1200 baud since the ISS cross band repeater is working they have the digipeater shut down. The only other Digipeater is NO-44 which is up and down so you have to watch the satellite status page. The ISS has a 9600 baud beacon on the cross band repeater downlink but no didgipeater.
the only other active digipeater is Falconsat-3 which is 9600 baud.
Have a great week 73 JACK KC7MG