16 Sep
16 Sep
11:26 p.m.
ARRL/TAPR DCC (Digital Communications Conference), Atlanta, GA Friday, 9/21 - Sunday, 9/23
DCC Information & Registration
Saturday Night Banquet Grand Prizes Announced (Must be present at banquet to win)
ICOM ID-31A UHF D-STAR Digital Handheld Transceiver http://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/amateur/handheld/ID31A/default.aspx
Yaesu VX-8DR APRS®/GPS/Bluetooth® Handheld Transceiver http://www.yaesu.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=111&P...
Kenwood TM-D710A Multi Communicator 144/400 MHz FM/APRS Dual Band Mobile http://www.kenwoodusa.com/Communications/Amateur_Radio/Mobiles/TM-D710A