I will be using a special event callsign on the birds this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the OPDX Bulletin. The callsign will be NO8DX/20.
The OPDX Bulletin is a free DX Bulletin that is distributed via an email list and picked up by email groups around the world. Papays.com hosts the official web version of the Bulletin which comes out every Sunday evening. Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW is the editor of this publication which often includes satellite announcements. Tedd is the President of the Northern Ohio DX Association (NODXA) and has devoted a good part of his life to this free source of DX information. There have been 1001 issues published to date. Thousands of amateurs around the world read this bulletin every week.
The NO8DX/20 call will be used by many of our NODXA club members on the HF and VHF bands. Those who wish to receive a special QSL card should send their SASE to the qrz.com address for KB8NW.
If there are any rare grid operations on the birds over the weekend, I will obviously yield the bird to them.
73, John K8YSE