Dear all,Few months back I was trying to work Greencube Satellite with my limited setup, I was able to receive signal packets & telemetry with my 7 ele uhf Arrow antenna, though I could never Transmit & successfully trigger this Bird, perhaps my IC-705 limited 10W power was the issue.
Now I am equipped with a new High gain cross yagi (14ele) to test & try Greencube! I observed since more than a week Greencube is not QRV!
Can anyone give idea what happened to this beautiful bird?
I am quite eager to work via this satellite from my grid ML52JH.
I would also like to get response/guidance from user with Icom IC-705 who worked this bird successfully.
Thank you in advance.
Rajesh P. Vagadia VU2EXP
Rajkot - Gujarat India
Regional Coordinator
•Amateur Radio Society of India