As I currently live in an antenna-restricted subdivision, I have been experimenting with low-profile antennas for a couple of years now. My experience has been that verticals are "iffy" for a couple of reasons: not enough gain at low elevations when the path is longest, a deep null above 40 degrees or so, and fades due to polarization mis-matches. That being said, I seem to do alright on VO-52 right now with a 1/4 wave UHF groundplane on the uplink and a well-hidden 2-meter Eggbeater on the downlink, at elevations between about 20 and 40 degrees.
I am in the process of building a turnstile for 437, which I hope will improve both my uplink on VO-52 as well as my downlink on all the other birds.
George, KA3HSW
----- Original Message ----
From: John Geiger [email protected] To: AMSAT-BB [email protected] Sent: Thu, June 9, 2011 11:35:50 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] VO52 and verticals
Has anyone had success getting into VO52 using a vertical, omnidirectional antenna on the uplink. I have a nice M2 2M9SSB for 2m but only have a dualband J pole to cover UHF with and wonder if I could get into VO52 with it for my uplink antenna.
73s John AA5JG