Ham-Com, Texas’ largest amateur radio convention, will be held this weekend June 10-11, 2016 in Irving, Texas. AMSAT will have a large delegation of individuals ranging from engineers, casual operators, and fanatics, to those just getting started.
We’ve expanded our booth this year, located in spaces 713-714 of the 3rd row from the inside swap area. Several operators will be available to perform demonstrations using portable equipment including a vintage pair of Icom IC-202/402’s owned by Glenn, AA5PK. Dave, KG5CCI, of long-distance AO-7 & FO-29 QSO fame will be there as well as members from the Fox and ARISS teams.
Saturday from 18:00-18:50 UTC, an AMSAT Forum will be held in room 11 featuring a panel led by long-time AMSAT volunteer and ARISS mentor Keith, W5IU.
For questions, email: w5pfg@amsat.org Event page: http://www.hamcom.org
73 Clayton W5PFG