On Thursday 15 February 2007 21:06:05 Robert Davies wrote:
I propose that all who are tired of this individual poisoning what is otherwise a peaceful and productive environment with his abusive and slanderous posts against an organization that I for one am proud to be part of and will continue to support. Sign this petition or make it be known in some fashion that you are tired of this kind of behavior and that Luc Leblanc VE2DWE be blocked from the AMSAT and all affiliated -bb systems.
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
1.Robert Davies
I am not yet a member of Amsat, but I hope I can comment on this.
While some of the postings of this person have infuriated some on this list, other postings have been reasonable. At any rate, I do not think it makes sense to try and ban someone from the list, because first you *can't* ban someone. No technical means other than a completely vetted admissions system would keep "bad" people out. The other reason to not do this is more subtle but still real-- you create a place that fosters contention, and that draws the very types you're trying to control; a socal negative feedback loop, so to speak.
When someone does things that are inappropriate, *ignore them*. This is the best possible defense. If the jabs that the list member makes fall on deaf ears, the dampening of the problem begins.
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82