Dear All,
Happy New Year to you and to your QTH.
I just hope that Americas and Asia (Region 2 & 3) will be able have a GEOs (such as QO-100) which was a great success particularly for ITU Region 1 (and some parts of Region 2 & 3), thanks to Amsat-DL and QARS.
In spite LEO FM birds are very popular in the Northern hemisphere it is quite useless here in the South, particularly for remote islands in the middle of the oceans, so my first wish is really for a HEO enabling global QSO’s.
So, happy new year also to all HAM satellite projects which will consolidate the hobby presence in space and enable global activities.
In my personal name and also on behalf of our association as President of the Mauritius Amateur Radio Society (MARS)
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
C.c The secretary MARS