As "advertised", Ron W6ZQ made another appearance on AO-51 this evening from Kauai. Tonight, he worked from grid BL01, and made contacts with 10 stations and almost completed an 11th QSO on this pass. For the first time during this trip, Ron worked a couple of VE6 stations from Kauai (VE6EGN and VE6ITV). Alaska was also represented; Craig KL4E in Alaska made a QSO with W6ZQ just before Hawaii went out of AO-51's footprint.
This was the last time Ron will be on the satellites from Hawaii on this trip, as he will be returning home on Wednesday. Ron - thanks for all your efforts to be on many passes from Kauai, plus the pass from the "big island" last week, during your vacation. Now if we could get someone on AO-7 from out there...
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/