Dave, W0DHB has been working on a program to make the Flex PowerSDR look more like a Kenwood TS-2000 for use with SatPC32. I have it running on mine, and it is a real please to see everything working as SatPC32 intended!
He has been having problems getting his message posted here, so I am forwarding it. Be certain to contact Dave directly.
From: David W0DHB [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 11:22 AM To: 'AMSAT-BB' Subject: SATPC32 will Flex radios
If anyone is interested I've written a program that intercepts CAT commands from SATPC32 configured as a TS-2000, massages them into Flex PowerSDR CAT and Passes them on to the Flex Radio.
It was developed primarily for my own use with a Flex-5000 with V/U option and really streamlines SAT operations.
Please contact me offline if you are interested in giving it a try.
Dave W0DHB