YES !! RS-15 is alive !
Reading a recent report on AMSAT-BB from Gary deMunbrun WA4RKS about RS-15, move me to try. Tks Gary!
I tried on several passes, I always heard the intermitent carrier at 29.352, but no repeat of my uplink, trying either on official 145.858-98 or on suggested 145.958-98.
All of tries were made with RS-15 on her night. But today I gave her another try. This time RS-15 was sunlight on a pass that lasted 20 minutes on Sept-28 00:24 to 00:43 LU Time. I could uplink first CW and after SSB and hear it back !!!!, despicte the fact that I'm only using 25 W from FT-736 on 2mts and a 2m turnstile !!
Frequencies I operate where: Uplink 145.875 , downlink 29.374 with good signal return about s3.
Unfortunately no one to try a QSO. RS-15 is amazing, with 2000 Km height, passes can last up to half an hour ! even earth coverage is quite broad !
So, looks that we have had a new child reborn, coming back to life from over ten years ago.
You can find on http://www.amsat.org.ar RS-15 passes precalculated for your location and on your time, for a quick RS-15 .
73, Pedro LU7ABF [email protected]