With respects to the technical stuff, what is the current state of affairs with the ground station?
1) Does this presentation represent the most up2date picture of the current state of affairs or is there a more recent publication available? https://github.com/phase4ground/documents/blob/master/Papers_Articles_Presen...
2) There are about 7 teams laid out at the end of the presentation (build/rpu/apu/etc...). How big is the team right now and are there any areas that need support?
3) How aggressive is the development timeline? Or, maybe to help get a grip on it, what are the teams milestones, say for the next 6 months (high level).
4) I see a lot of off the shelf (analogdevices/trenz/etc...) hardware in the presentation. They appear to be commercial / non-oss type stuff. Are you using some of them for short-term prototyping, with the intent of replacing them once a particular subsystem is designed and built out?
5) When is the project slated to be complete, or at least, slated to have a prototype that one could potentially build independently and/or order and tinker with?
Thank You in advance for the update, Joseph Armbruster KJ4JIO