These are the Satellite APRS Packets provided in July 2019 per Callsign + SSID. I am always curious about station setup: antenna, radio, TNC, iGate software, altitude, location, etc. I have been considering reaching out to each operator to gather specs.
This topic might make a neat article for AmSat, ARRL, or similar magazine.
1459 YF1ZQA-10 1071 KG4PID-14 1030 N6DAN-2 1013 EA8BQD 1008 N6DAN-1 957 VK5ATN-3 778 VK6HAM-2 662 VK2TV-4 587 PY5LF-10 507 NH6Y-2 442 W0ARP-15 363 KK4NAM 352 KC5ILO-12 325 DM0AI-10 322 W7KKE-13 310 ON7EQ-10 305 OK2KOJ-14 289 OE4ENU-2 262 K4KDR-15 246 CU2ZG-1 231 N6BA-10 223 HS3LSE-11 207 W0ARP-1 201 SV3CIX-1 183 T2SPAIN2
Robert MacHale . KE6BLR Ham Radio License . http://spaceCommunicator.club/aprs http://spacecommunicator.club/aprs . Supporting Boy Scout Merit Badges in Radio, Robotics, and Space Exploration