----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:24 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] JUBILEE and other frustrations
Honestly, if somebody has put a 45 kg amateur satellite into a 1,500 km
plus orbit and has NOT included a
transponder, then this hobby has really become a joke! What's the weight of a
transponder module? And the cost? What's the
problem in giving us something more like a "real" satellite? (and this is said
with enormous love and affection for the old
girl - which I use daily - and plenty of respect for HamSat).
Yes - I am quite angry. We are kept in complete darkness as to real
progress and launch opportunities for P3E -
something I have repeatedly and completely uselessly complained about
several times on this BB. I find this
absolutely incredible. I have repeatedly said that I have the utmost respect for the
work of AMSAT DL and I am quite keen to
support it financially, bit I cannot see any reason for this total
blackout on communication, which has been going
on since the beginning of the project. I appreciate that AMSAT DL themselves
must be quite uncertain, but the DO TELL
US, for God's sake! Keep us informed on negotiations, progress, prospects.
That fuels enthusiasm, attracts resources
and somewhat cures frustration. We live on tiny bits of information - mostly
speculations and rumours. How is this
And now, talking about frustration, somebody invest considerable resources
to put a new bird in orbit and do not
include a transponder? Tell me that's not true, PLEASE.
- Piero
Piero Calvi-Parisetti MM0TWX currently also HB9DSU for music, Ham Radio and more visit http://www.chmusiq.com/ham
Hi Piero, HB9DSU
The future will be again bright for all of us and for the Amateur Satellite Service only when tanks to AMSAT-DL P3-E will be placed in orbit.
Be patient and prepare for the future.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico