The 2015 Palm Springs Hamfest will once again be held at the beautiful Palm Springs Pavilion, near the Palm Springs Baseball Stadium, Saturday, March 14 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This year’s hamfest will offer a VE testing session before the opening of the regular event.
Admission: Still just $5 - with free parking available. Where else can you get a day’s worth of entertainment for that?
Forums include ...
• Keynote by Gordon West • Andre Hansen presents on Broadband Hamnet • Dennis Kidder ("Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio") will talk about Maker Faire • Clint Bradford will present “How to Work the Amateur Satellites with your HT” • Bob Brehm, Chief Engineer at Palomar Engineers will present on curing RFI, working more DX and keeping your neighbors happy
Visit the event's Web site at ...