It is with great sadness that I pass along that Ron Parsons, W5RKN, is now a silent key. Ron passed away April 19, 2022.
Ron has been an important part of amateur radio in space and his passion for implementing Flex Radio Systems. If you are not familiar with his work, please take time to visit his website, http://www.w5rkn.com/.
A memorial service will be held at 3pm on Saturday, April 23rd at the Remembrance Gardens at Riverbend (4214 Capital of TX Hwy, N, Austin, TX 78746).
For those unable to attend in person, you may attend via Zoom
Obituary will be posted here: https://www.centraltexascremation.com/obituaries/
Biography: https://web2.ph.utexas.edu/utphysicshistory/RonGParsons.html
Robert Bankston, KE4AL AMSAT President