I guess there's still an Eagle sometime in our future, but seeing no mention at all of it in the most recent Newsletter is disconcerting. As our most important project, shouldn't we have updates in every Newsletter? For example, is there any news about the Intelsat connection that was introduced several months ago?
By the way, the writeup currently on the Amsat home page mentions ACP with a 3.4 Ghz (sic) downlink. Just a misprint? The nice Eagle flyer shows both up- and downlink on 5.6 Ghz.
Most important. of course, is the projected date for completion of Eagle. Maybe it can't be completely finished before the launch is determined, but the transponders have been identified for some time now. Chicken and egg problems are solved by producing either a chicken or an egg and then nurturing the other. Right now, we have neither. When do we expect to have our chicken, i.e. a complete electronics package?
I have great admiration for our designers and builders, and I also think that we should have some more visible time targets. If funding is an immediate issue that is limiting design and construction, or if it will be an issue in the near future, we should also to informed about that situation.
Tnx and 73, Tony, N2UN