haha. I know, I should be grateful too. I am, but I'm also upset! I can be both right?
Anyway, I'm hoping they can organize another field day operation this year. I haven't been to field day in years anyway, so my first in a while plus my first ever ISS contact would be amazing.
fwiw, I do know not to interrupt during scheduled ARISS contacts. I was telling someone else who responded to me that it was a good thing they don't publish the uplink frequencies not only so people don't intentionally try to take advantage of the situation, but also so ignorant (and excitedly blind people like me) don't interfere.
Thanks for the links, and for your website and work. I can tell you put a lot into it. BTW, I'm a Kenwood guy and considering a new dualband HT for satellite FM work, and I saw you said the TH-D72A was the only HT that did good/real full duplex. If that's so, what do the other radios do? Do they get desensitized or something?
John Brier KG4AKV
On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Clint Bradford clintbradford@mac.com wrote:
... I am again disappointed to learn that random unscheduled contacts are still uncommon ...
Well, the astronauts are quite busy up there ... (grin)
That is what makes the scheduled amateur radio time so exciting - like last Field Day when we were able to make voice contacts ... Heck, I used just two Watts and a handheld tape measure beam for my contact ...
And, of course, monitoring hams should never try to interrupt or contact during any of the scheduled ARISS contacts.
Watch issfanclub.com, amsat-uk.org, and amsat.org for announcements of possible "windows" of opportunities!
Clint Bradford K6LCS http://www.iss-flabob.com