I have a doubt...
A few days ago Paul put a list of the proposed channel for EO-80..
I have noted that the TX freqs are from lower to higher (AOS to LOS), is that correct?
From the sat point of view a Tx on the center freq will appears as shifted up at the AOS because the two point are getting closer (doppler is summing), in fact no matter is the freq is for TX or RX if at AOS the shift must be + not -
I'm right?
PS: with the 2.5 Khz of the new Chinese radios the 2m downlink can be shifted to +2.5 Khz at AOS and -2.5 Khz at LOS to improve reception quality
El 17/06/15 a las 12:59, Paul Stoetzer escibiĆ³:
Anyone who wants to program memories for EO-80 should follow this plan:
EO-80 AOS - TX 435.070 MHz 210.7 Hz CTCSS, RX 145.840 MHz EO-80 2 - TX 435.075 MHz 210.7 Hz CTCSS, RX 145.840 MHz EO-80 TCA - TX 435.080 MHz 210.7 Hz CTCSS, RX 145.840 MHz EO-80 4 - TX 435.085 MHz 210.7 Hz CTCSS, RX 145.840 MHz EO-80 LOS - TX 435.090 MHz 210.7 Hz CTCSS, RX 145.840 MHz