I was looking through my ham radio bookshelves (yes, plural!) a few weeks ago, and I had nearly forgotten that I had this book...so I've been re-reading it. (No, I'm not interested in selling it.... <grin>)
The history alone - details about the birds up to and including AO-13 - makes for fascinating reading, never mind the technical details for orbital considerations, tracking, and building satellites. Remember that this when AO-13 was only 2 years old, AO-7 hadn't been heard from in a few years, and FM birds were only a twinkle in some engineer's eye.
If you can find this book, I highly recommend that you borrow/buy it - quite interesting to read what was going on in the satellite world 28 years ago! (I bought it in late 92/early 93 to read on the plane trip to VP2M for an AO-13 DXpedition.)
Philip N4HF