Ray W1OTH asked me to post the following list of radios and other items he is selling:
Item Condition Cost New Asking **** ********* ******** ******
Cushcraft A148-10S 2m Yagi Very Good $123.00 $ 50.00
Cushcraft A50-5S 6m Yagi Very Good $190.00 $ 75.00
Diamond X-50A V/UHF Vertical base antenna Very Good $ 90.00 $ 25.00
Diamond D-130NJ 25-1300 MHz discone Good $100.00 $ 15.00
Arrow-II 2m/70cm Yagi w/diplexer Very Good $132.00 $ 50.00
Elk 2m/70cm handheld Log Periodic Very Good $120.00 $ 50.00
MFJ-784 Tunable DSP Filter Excellent $250.00 $125.00
MFJ-812B 2m SWR Meter Excellent $ 35.00 $ 15.00
Diamond SX-100 HF/6m SWR Meter Excellent $135.00 $ 30.00
Ranger RCI-5054 6m Transceiver Excellent $230.00 $125.00
Mirage A-1015-G 6m 150W RF Amplifier Very Good $389.00 $150.00
Astron RS-20M 12V Power Supply Excellent $130.00 $ 75.00
Satellite Station:
Yaesu FT-736R V/UHF Satellite Transceiver Excellent $800.00 $600.00
6-Meter Option Excellent $375.00 $200.00
CTCSS Option by Zlix Excellent $ 85.00 $ 50.00
Yaesu MD-1 Desk Microphone Very Good $125.00 $ 40.00
Yaesu SP-6 Filtered External Speaker Excellent $100.00 $ 35.00
Yaesu G-5500 AZ-EL Rotator and Controller Like New $730.00 $600.00
LVB Tracker (USB to Controller Interface) New $100.00 $100.00
KLM 2M-14C CP 2-Meter Satellite Antenna Like New $150.00 $ 75.00
KLM 435-18C CP 440 MHz Satellite Antenna Like New $150.00 $ 75.00
Mirage KP-2 2m 25 dB Preamp w/control unit Like New $200.00 $100.00
Mirage KP-2 70cm 25 dB Preamp w/control unit Like New $200.00 $100.00
Glen Martin 8-Foot self standing tower (Aluminum) with thrust bearing Very Good $395.00 $100.00
Interface Box, tower mounted Very Good $ 50.00 $ 25.00
Ray says that the KLM cross-polarized antennas can't really be taken apart, as "the element 'keepers' can't be removed." If you have any questions about these items, please contact Ray directly via e-mail at:
fobes at comspeed dot net
Ray lives in the Prescott AZ area, about 90 miles northwest of Phoenix.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/