roger wilco and thank you Bruce
________________________________ From: Bruce Perens [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 4:08 PM To: Robert Coppock [email protected] Cc: Robert McGwier [email protected]; amsat bb [email protected] Subject: Re: [AMSAT-BB] Re: thanksgiving request
Robert, nobody will disagree with you that stature-sponsored terrorism is awful. It is frustrating that the good guys must work within a framework of rules while the bad guys get to do whatever they want. But if the good guys didn't have to follow the rules, they'd very quickly become the bad guys. It's been tried. Some of the worst excesses are done by vigilantes. Of course, jamming is vigilantism. Disabling a missile guidance system probably also means some civilian aircraft will fly into a mountain because you can't be so selective that only the bad guys are jammed, and the bad guys don't cooperate by using special missile-only frequencies. They are more likely to masquerade as civilian navigation.
The world's problems are complicated, and it is very attractive to people to grab onto over-simple solutions that end up causing more horror. Whether it is "let's go out and kill all of the criminals" or "let's jam airborne guidance so that missiles can't kill people". Don't succumb to the urge.
On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 3:50 PM Robert Coppock [email protected] wrote:
i apologize for my concern about commercial airliners being shot down by state sponsored terrorists with computers missiles bombs radio waves etc. they do not seem to need no stinkin license wow can anything be done or are the few tyrants in the world able to mind control 7.5Billion fools? or should we just cancel the whole freedom of speech thingy it really isnt working out if anybody is paranoid over a ham radio satellite, they probably should not be in charge of a military or country or even ordering lunch which hopefully is not stuck in a shipping container somewhere near a broken oil pipeline from the backed up ships anchor damage 73 KFoG cm88pk
From: Bruce Perens [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 2:37 PM To: Robert McGwier [email protected] Cc: Robert Coppock [email protected]; amsat bb [email protected] Subject: Re: [AMSAT-BB] Re: thanksgiving request
Besides not being legal, the moment that nations perceive amateur radio as an adversary, that is the end of amateur radio within their borders.
DXpeditions already have lots of problems with that, operators have been jailed, and even more often suddenly have permission to operate withdrawn, and of course there are the countries that we can't get that from it all. That we have satellites at all is seen by many as a threat. Now try to go to their country and operate satellites.
Most hams don't think very much about what we should be doing to make ourselves desirable to nations and motivate them to continue our frequency allocations. Especially for the next generation of hams, for whom Emergency Services will not be a viable mission. My holiday wish is that more of you would put in the thought time.
On Sun, Nov 28, 2021, 4:19 PM Robert McGwier [email protected] wrote:
Transmitting such a signal is a violation of law in the US. If it interferes with a plane's operation, and becomes a safety of life issue, the operator will be assumed to be a terrorist and all hell will break loose.
This is a truly BAD idea.
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021, 10:45 AM Robert Coppock [email protected] wrote:
can we build a jammer satellite ? to jam radar and missile guidance systems so that no more military "mistakes' can shoot down a commercial airliner like MH-17 in 2014 ? things are getting kind of weird at the border again over there
i and the innocent souls THANK you it was 283 passengers and 15 crew in 2014
The case will be tried in absentia as none of the suspects will appear at the Dutch court. Russia does not extradite its own citizens.
It said the crash was caused by the detonation of a Russian-made 9N314M-type warhead carried on the 9M38M1 missile, launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a Buk missile system.
KFoG planning for the worst, hoping for the best 73
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-- Bruce Perens K6BP