On 07/10/20 19:43, Curt Laumann via AMSAT-BB wrote:
My intuition is guided by a couple of semesters of E&M and a few decades of antenna building and testing. BUT it's only my *intuition*, and I'd be very interested in hearing the results of any modeling!
As an aside, I'm also working to build this antenna with my newly-acquired 3D printer, using PETG in fact! I'm redesigning the 70-cm Lindy as well as 2-m Lindy to use arrow shaft elements. In this manner the antenna will be easy to disassemble and easily portablized. Or transported :)
Hello Curt,
Thank you for the encouragement. I wish I recalled enough of my EM Theory class for this, but I think I've repressed it ever since I eeked out of it with a passing grade. Probably because the professor started a class trying to derive something unrelated to homework or exams one day, got to the end, then realized he'd made a mistake in the first 5 minutes. "You can just go back and fix that and it'll all work out."
I'm finishing up the 3D model right now, using openscad, and will kick off the print tonight.
I plan to put the model up on my webpage for any/all to use, modify, contribute back to, etc. once I have it working.
--- Zach N0ZGO