Bob, did you mean to say to place the 6 meter beam BELOW the satellite antennas? Why would you want to elevate the 6 meter beam? I personally would not add that additional strain to the elevation rotor of the G5400.
73 de W4AS Sebastian
On Jan 20, 2009, at 3:42 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Hello Before I reinvent the wheel I want to run this project by you. My current satellite antenna system is on a 15 foot tripod using a G5400 az/el rotors. Consists of 14 el cp 2M yagi, 40 el cp 70 cm yagi, 3 foot dish for S band 16 turn helix for L band. I want to change the tripod to a 30 foot tower and add a 5 el 6 M beam. Question- put the satellite antennas just above the top of tower and the 6M beam above the satellite ants. high enough as not to interfere with the sat. antennas when rotated in elevation. Then if possible have the whole thing being able to tip over. Has anyone come close to doing something like this? Or any ideas. 73 Bob W7LRD CN87