31 Mar
31 Mar
8:48 a.m.
Hi all, Well, the day has arrived and the contact time is now showing as 18:12:10 UTC (2:12 PM) for the ARISS contact with Stone Magnet Middle School. There was a burn that happened yesterday and I waited until this morning to let the orbit stabilize before grabbing the latest Keplerian orbital data. I will probably do it once more once I am on site. We are going to Livestream at 2 different YouTube channels. The school's is at https://youtube.com/channel/UCuO96ZDAoLWVlko5CyATxzw%C2%A0The ARISS channel is https://www.youtube.com/@ARISSlive%C2%A0The max elevation is 45 degrees at a distance of about 585km at its closest. Wish us good luck. 73,Charlie Sufana AJ9N--