Don’t forget to support HAMCON in Torrance September 7-9, and the Amateur Radio Expo weekends during the Los Angeles County Fair this month!
AMSAT has a booth at HAMCON - stop by and say hello. In addition, I’ll be presenting “Working AO-51 with your HT” at the Long Beach Amateur Radio Club meeting on Friday night at 7pm at the conference hotel. If you're available, I would welcome your experienced comments and critiques on the presentation. It is aimed (obviously) as those new to amateur satellites...
Additionally, AMSAT wll have a booth at the LA Co. Fair in the Amateur Radio Expo! I need more volunteers for the AMSAT booth, and we also need amateurs to assist with the rest of our 300' total of amateur radio booth space!
The Amateur Radio Expo runs Fri-Sun throughout the fair. OF COURSE I have parking passes and tickets for those helping with the AMSAT booth! Here is the tentative schedule for the AMSAT booth:
09/07 - Fair opening to lunch - AMSAT 09/08 - All day - AMSAT 09/09 - Minimum 2nd half of day - AMSAT, to closing
09/14 - TBD 09/15 - All day - AMSAT 09/16 - Minimum 2nd half of day - AMSAT, to closing
09/21 - TBD 09/22 - TBD 09/23 - All day - AMSAT
09/28 - NOT AVAILABLE 09/29 - NOT AVAILABLE 09/30 - All day - AMSAT
Email me asap for additional details.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS AMSAT Area Coordinator 909-241-7666