Oops, Uploaded last month's list. Correct list below. (Thanks, Glenn)
Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the
ARRL for the period May 1, 2021 through June 1, 2021.
Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!
CALL May June
WC7V 1232 1250
N8RO 1080 1096
N3GS 687 705
NS3L 681 695
K7TAB 627 656
WD9EWK (DM43) 640 650
N5BO 525 580
AC9O 475 549
AF5CC 477 525
K5IX 450 489
KS1G 413 427
W8LR 400 425
KJ4M 171 357
IK0WGF 258 324
DF2ET 250 300
N7ZO 250 275
N8URE (FM19) 243 263
KN2K 200 253
EA2AA 153 251
N3CAL 181 204
RA3DNC 110 142
AC9DX 100 141
N2ZN 120 135
VE3KY 103 128
DG9MA New 125
KP4RV 105 125
SQ5NRY New 105
NR1Z New 104
KC1MEB New 102
W4IPA New 101
NU1U New 100
XE1MYO New 100
If you find errors or omissions. please contact me off-list at
<mycall>@<mycall>.com and I'll revise the announcement.
This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings
for the two months. It's a visual comparison so omissions
are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned.
Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely
on the birds. They are doing a lot of the work!