On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 06:49:37PM +0000, wa4hfn@comcast.net wrote:
I thought this BB was for making satellite contacts on ham birds, I see everything but that on here. Come on guys lets work the birds and make grid trips and things like that , Leave the spam off. Support AMSAT NA not cube sats that we cant work
I find it hard to support an organisation whose primary role seems to be to give a platform to grumpy old men to drivel on and on and on endlessly about how "things ain't what they used to be".
Cubesats are the future of amateur satellite work. If you don't like that, try and find a source of cheap flights for something OSCAR-40 sized. Can you afford it? I sure as hell can't.
Your only hope of getting an AO-40 size bird up is one of the "up and coming" space programmes, like Iran or Pakistan. You've missed the boat with India already.