The APRS Meteor Scatter web page has been updated to add the new EmComm Email concept using 6m Meteor Scatter.
We simply add RX's to each APRS Igate, and the rest of the infrastructure exists. We get not just point A->B MS reliability, but point A=>BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB potential reliability. Meteor paths are very spot to spot specific, but if we multiply the receive sites by dozens, then we improve the throughput potential by dozens. Done.
Using surplus 6m 100W ratios all we need is fixed gain antennas. And using just 120 feet of a piece of long wire can give 12 dBi gain in a given direction. Perfect for this application. So dust off that old 6m clunker, connect it to an Igate and lets see what comes in.
Notice that since anything received by ANY IGate is not only tagged by that IGate but also shared live to the entire APRS network, we have a built-in performance monitoring system too. The entire infrastructure exists. It's plug-n-play...
I know this is not directly satellite related, but it is SPACE and it is EmComm which is just another small slice of the AMSAT pie...
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Bob Bruninga Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:03 PM To: Paul Rinaldo; tacos AMRAD Subject: 6m meteor Scatter project.
The #1 advantage of this current 6m MS proposal is that it does not attempt 2-way exchange. It takes unique advantage of these primary issues:
APRS Email Mission is delivery of SINGLE Email packets.
A single successful packet results in real-world value,
sender-to ANY human recepient on the planet
- Space-diversity: Receivers at IGates all over the country
all linked in real time via the internet. THis improves reliability by an order of magnitude. Not just one area of the sky, between point A and B, but ALL areas of the sky beteeen A and B-thru-ZZ are potential meteor reflectors.
Only one packet to one receiver is needed for 100% success.
Individual testing is one-handed. All IGate receivers are
automomous and listening 24/7. SO any tester only needs to TRANSMIT his email, and then watch his PC for success.
It is this unique "emergeny outgoing email" mission, unique-existing APRS infrastrcutre and existing email engines that make this new project quite viable and not necessarily dependent on a critical mass.
Lets get some on the air listening...
Bob, Wb4APR _______________________________________________ Tacos mailing list [email protected] http://www.amrad.org/mailman/listinfo/tacos