In a message dated 06/08/2009 08:44:08 GMT Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
I'm surprised no-one else has done the math on this. The website says they'll launch 30 tubesats on a flight. 30 x eight grand comes out just under a quarter million US dollars - and they say this will cover *all* associated services as well as the launch. I find it rather hard to believe that even the launch vehicle would only cost US$240K per flight.
-- 73 Richard W L Limebear G3RWL [email protected] FOC # 1188
30 x 0.75 kg is almost no payload. Presumably the rest of the cost is covered by a primary payload or lager better more expensive TubeSats.
If their idea for frequency allocation is typical of the rest of their planning, I suspect this is just vopourware which will never fly.