On Saturday, 1 May 2010, I will have an AMSAT table at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's Larry Warren Hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ. This is a half-day event, and one I have attended for the past two years. During the hamfest, WD9EWK should be on the air for demonstrations on the following passes:
1340-1353 UTC on AO-51 1406-1426 UTC on FO-29 1642-1655 UTC on VO-52 1807-1825 UTC on HO-68
For AO-51, I will be on the 145.920/435.300 MHz repeater. For FO-29 and VO-52, I will try to start out calling CQ in SSB approximately 10 kHz above the center frequency of these transponders. HO-68 will be in FM until its scheduled shutoff at 1825 UTC, which will be near the predicted LOS time at the hamfest site. If you are able to work these passes and hear me, please feel free to give me a call. The hamfest site is in grid DM41vn.
If you work WD9EWK on Saturday, there's no need to send me a QSL card to get my card. Just e-mail me the QSO details, and - if you're in the log - I will gladly send out a QSL card.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/