On Mon, 11 May 2009 07:31:48 +0200, Allan Saul wrote:
First of all, as supplied by Hy-Gain, these switches could never work by design.
This is not your grandfather's HyGain. MFJ bought the tooling and designs, but not the brains, from Telex. The old crew would not make mistakes like that. I don't think I know anyone from the "old" HyGain who would buy a modern HyGain antenna.
But that's just my opinion.
-- Ham Radio NU0C Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A. TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A, HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!
"Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him to Google, and he will learn for a lifetime."
HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/ http://radiojim.exofire.net http://incolor.inetnebr.com/jshorney http://www.nebraskaghosts.org