... Now it is time to get out of the car and walk. Holding HT on your chest. You have a NULL out your back. Use it to get walking directions and by now you are within yards of the source.
... this has never really worked for me, much to my surprise. Dunno why.
It is subtle. In fact, a lot of this signal strength tracking is really by ear. Just listening to aggregate of the degree of quieting and the rise and fall of the background FM noise. The S meter just gives a benchmark now and then.
When walking with the HT, I periodically stop and with the HT held tightly to chest, do a perroiette (I have no clue how to spell a french dancing maneuver)... Lets call it a spin in place. My ear hears the subtle peaks in the back ground noise. The direction of my back on those subtle and narrow noise level peaks is generally the direction to go next.
Or something like that. Doing this in a field of 8 foot tall corn with razor sharp leaves and a sunburn tends to make one not want to go in the wrong direction for too long. (Finding a downed balloon)...