On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 8:29 AM Michael Tondee via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Is it simply just going open source or is there more to it than that? Are there other stumbling blocks that they wouldn't be comfortable with for some reason?
We've sort of just had this discussion, and yes AMSAT is very uncomfortable. Running the project as clear of ITAR and EAR is a requirement if you are going to put software out under an Open Source license and all of your other technical documentation under a Creative Commons license, and we have told you how to do that but people seem to be dubious so far. This also means the project has to be free of NDAs, at least for the funded part, and if you remember from past discussion the board found it really offensive that the new directors wanted to know what AMSAT's NDAs were and were inclined to get rid of them wherever possible.
Essentially, you can copy what we are doing at ORI.
But now, AMSAT is going to do that. AMSAT will not go Open Source because it is the right thing to do. AMSAT will not go Open Source because it allows them to collaborate with the international AMSAT organizations, LibreSpace, and ORI. AMSAT will not go Open Source because it provides the maximum benefit to Radio Amateurs. AMSAT will not go Open Source because it allows them to dispense with the pain of ITAR and EAR compliance. NO! AMSAT will go Open Source because THEY ARE BEING OFFERED MONEY TO DO SO, and THAT is the AMERICAN WAY!
OK, excuse me for having some fun with you. But there is an element of truth in that.