Try going into the memory mode vs doing it from VFO. Only have the main channel on vs both main and sub. Find an empty memory channel and then do your frequency and custom offset. Click on the screen where it says MEMO and the number. You will then get a sub menu pop up. memory should be highlighted. Press and hold MW. You will now have that frequency and custom offset in that memory slot.
HTH 73,
-Ant NU1U
On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 3:51 PM Wayne Estes [email protected] wrote:
On 1/9/2021 12:25 PM, Ant Lefebvre wrote:
This video walks you through it. Just tried it on mine and worked like a charm saving to memory. All programmed from the radio face.
That video merely shows how to set up a custom repeater offset in VFO mode. The video doesn't even attempt to show how to save the custom repeater offset to a channel memory.
The instructions on page 25 of the basic manual are the same, showing how to set up a custom offset in VFO mode, but not how to save it in a channel memory.
I'm convinced that it's impossible to store a custom repeater offset in an IC-9700 channel memory.
Wayne Estes W9AE