On 6 Dec 2006 at 16:17, morsesat@optonline.net wrote:
Steve, N2JDQ, Welcome to the wonderful world of satellites. I would hope that you become an AMSAT member
as this is the only viable group that takes satellites seriously enough to organize itself (HA!)
Hi Steve
Just to let you know there is also "other viable group" who also takes satellites seriously enough to provided numerous web sites full of help. There is more than 50 AMSATS worldwide. Here is some of them.
As you notice some AMSAT-NA field coordinator don't event pay any respect to them. Be careful in your choices some of them are better than other only just from the point of HAM SPIRITS and the international respect. Just to let you know i am a FORMER AMSAT coordinator. feel free to ask me why? You probably start to understand.
- EUROPE - AMSAT DL (Germany) http://www.amsat-dl.org/ AMSAT UK (UK) http://www.uk.amsat.org/ AMSAT ON (Belgium) http://www.amsat-on.be/ AMSAT SM (Sweden) http://www.amsat.se/ AMSAT EA (Spain) http://www.ea.amsat.org/ AMSAT I (Italy) http://www.aec2000.it/amsat_i/
- NORTH AMERICA - AMSAT NA http://www.amsat.org/
- AUSTRALIA - AMSAT Australia http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/ ptitze/amsatvk/
- NEW ZELAND - AMSAT ZL (New Zeland) http://www.amsat-zl.org.nz/
- ASIA - AMSAT India http://www.amsatindia.org/ JAMSAT (Japan) http://www.jamsat.or.jp/
AMSAT QUATAR E-Mail a71ey@amsat.org
AMSAT AUSTRIA E-Mail amsat-oe@amsat.org
AMSAT THAILAND E-Mail bv5af@pc47.hinet.net
AMSAT SWITZERLAND E-Mail amsatsbs.hb9mad@bluewin.ch
P.S. Narrowmind only conducts to world-wide disaster or into politics... I don't know what should happen to make some understand a bit of common sense? A failed war could be? (In the sense of war of opinions!)
If someone wants to live under a rock cut off from the rest of the world he just have do it fully not partially :).
If you want to have a real impact in a realistic near future satellite project check this link and click on the satellite bottom antenna tip. It is what i called the REAL building blocks of a VIABLE AMSAT'S. Here is the link.
"-" The medium is the message...The content is the audience...;)
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE WAC basic,CW,Phone,Satellite Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe