After being off the air for several months, I'm happy to announce that AO-16 has been partially recovered and is transmitting on 437.026 Mhz. The satellite was recovered to the boot loader by Mark Hammond N8MH with guidance from Bruce Rahn WB9ANQ and others. Further reloading of the satellite is underway. The AO-16 team could use your help collecting the binary MBL telemetry for now, and the regular telemetry once the reload is completed.
If you receive any telemetry from AO-16, please submit it (preferably as a .KSS file attachment) to telemetry AT quagliana DOT com and put the words "AO-16 Telemetry" in the subject of your email. Please include your callsign (if any), your latitude/longitude (or grid square), and the date and time when the telemetry was collected.
73, Drew KO4MA AMSAT-NA VP Ops