In the July/August 2014 issue of "Potentials" (which is the magazine for student members of IEEE), three professors from the University of Hawaii present a general overview of CubeSats.
The authors then describe their and their students' designs (and success) in building a CubeSat designated H2 (Hooponopono) to replace the RADCAL satellite (used for radar calibration) which ceased communication in May 2013, 17 years after its predicted life time of three years.
Among other things, I find it interesting that the team members are using Ham Radio Deluxe and a Yaesu GS-232 rotor controller for tracking at their ground station. The ELaNA program also gets a prominent mention. The satellite transmits and receives on 437.22 Mhz, so the frequency coordination and licensing were handled through the IARU and FCC.
Philip N4HF