Hi, all. I hope someone can help me out.
I've been trying to work the transponder satellites using CW (Morse) for some time. I use satpc32 for the tracking program and a Kenwood TS-2000X. I've been able to hear my downlink signal by using transmit RIT to find the signal. At that point, satpc32 tracks the Doppler and keeps the signal where I have it set, within a few Hertz.
I've called CQ a lot with no responses. A couple of times I heard CW but the signal just drifted across where I was at, from lower to higher frequency.
What might I be doing wrong? Or is there just not much activity on Morse?
I haven't heard much SSB or FM on the FM birds but what I've heard I've been unable to work anyone. They just talk too fast for me to understand and the signals aren't always the strongest.
Thanks for any help.
73, Mike, K0TER