I have a ST2 interface, and am wondering if anyone else is using a non-Yaesu rotator? I have a Yaesu G500a for elevation, and a CDE/Hygain Ham II for azimuth. This setup worked well with my Kansas City Tracker board, and the Yaesu G500a part of the system works PERFECT.
The trouble is, no matter what software I use, or even if I manually issue pointing commands via serial terminal, the ST2 will stop my rotator too early, resulting in offpointing by about 20 degrees. I am using the same voltage divider that I used on my KCT, so the ST2 is seeing a 0-5v reading from the azimuth rotor POT. The LCD display matches the analog display within a degree, so the ST2 knows correctly where the azimuth rotator is aimed.
My PC is communicating with the ST2 perfectly, I can see the display on the LCD of where the rotator should stop (say 300 degrees) but it will actually stop at 280 or 320 for example. Unlike my KCT, the ST2 will only make one attempt to aim. The KCT would stop the rotation, let the rotators and antennas settle for a second, then fine tune again if neccessary.
I believe that this can be resolved by changing the sample rate or something else very minor. I've found the source code, and even tried twice to contact the author. I guess that because I didn't buy his LVB Tracker, he refuses to answer my emails? Not everyone has a pile of extra money laying around to donate to Amsat. I've donated in the past (back when the economy was in much better shape), but I cannot afford to right now, so I bought the Foxdelta ST-2 rather than the "genuine" LVB Tracker.
I have tried many nights to compile the source, even without making any changes. MPLAB says I need a C compiler, etc, and I've tried everything I can think of to add one.
I even bought an extra PIC for testing, etc, and put the .09 firmware on it, so now I have two PICs, one with 0.7 and one with 0.9. Both versions do the very same thing.
Can anyone help? I'd like to be able to release a new version of the HEX file for the next guy in this situation. I really don't think it's necessary for me to sell my Ham II and buy a Yaesu rotator for this to work.
73 and thanks for any suggestions.
Kyle K0KN Olathe, KS