ANDE and RAFT seem OK.
I am further relaxing the restrictions from now through 1 January for further experimentation. But! It is very important that ALL user packets CEASE on 2 January.
We must have a clear channel on 2 January to try to recover PCSAT-1 to full operation. Once we have her recovered, we will then re-authorize USER access to all three satellites. They all operate on 145.825 simplex.
and have updated the user service agreement to reflect these changes:
LIMITED USER digipeating is authorized: 1) ATTENDED operations ONLY 2) Low Dutycyle only. Say once per minute per station 3) NO DIGIPEATING VIA RAFT AT NIGHT 4) Use paths of UNPROTO APRS VIA ANDE-1 or VIA RAFT 5) or the other aliases ARISS, or APRSAT, or WIDE2-2 *) UNATTENDED BEACONS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED.
See: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/ande/ANDEcontract.txt
Beam antennas appear to be required except during the middle of a high overhead pass. Please work on your receive capablity and measure your success by how many packets you can RECEIVE, not by how many times you can hit the bird.
Pace yourselves Enjoy.
Bob Bruninga, Wb4APR