On 8/3/2019 05:49, Mike Seguin via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Any more specifics on the Five and Dime transponder on Golf Tee? Frequencies, link budget etc.?
Hi Mike,
There are no intentions to have a Five and Dime transponder on GOLF-TEE. GOLF-TEE will have an X band data (telemetry) downlink and may have an X band voice downlink with the same traffic as the U/v transponder. GOLF-1 would be the first to carry a 5&10 transponder. At 1000+ km, coverage and Doppler shift would be a bit better than the lower orbit of GOLF-TEE. If we could get there... see my previous -bb email reply about "top barriers".
Without either one being manifested on a launch right now, final frequencies and user link budget for use of the transponder have not yet been determined.
Jerry Buxton, NØJY