13 Jan
13 Jan
7:37 p.m.
Report out on AO51, mode LU (23cm up, 70cm downlink)
Uplink: Kenwood TS2000X, 10W, 35 element TONNA Downlink: Kenwood TS2000X, 2x7 elements Cushcraft
Need to switch polarization during the pass (LHCP, RHCP, H, L) on the downlink for strongest signal.
Lots of QSB on the uplink, signal varying from noise free to not at all able to copy.
Used HRD for automatic doppler correction / control.
mp3 clip of QSO with IK1SOW, IW4DVZ and EA2BJM (Jan 12) http://www.pa3guo.com/ao51_modeLU_12jan09_ik1sow_iw4dvz_ea2bjm.mp3
Picture of the antennas used: http://www.pa3guo.com/ant_jun_2008.jpg
This evening I also had a 50% complete QSO with Ib, OZ1MY.
73, Henk, PA3GUO http://www.pa3guo.com