Thanks for the response. We too use MixW and we are using the
Standard 1200/2200 Hz
setting. The only other needed setting I believe is that MixW's mode must be set to "packet". This is selectable in my version by clicking on the "Mode" dropdown menu right next to "File" and "Edit".
A sample of CP4's beacon can be found at
Using this, it is possible to find out if MixW has been configured correctly by changing MixW's audio source to listen to "Wave Out Mix" (the computer's audio) and playing the wav file in a media player as you would play it through your speakers. This setting can be changed by going to the "Configure->Input Volume..."(Opens Window's Volume Control) and selecting "Wave Out Mix" instead of "Line In". Just remember to reselect "Line In" before the real CP4 pass.
If you do not see "Wave Out Mix" in the "Configure->Input Volume..." menu, then you must go to the "Options->Properties" menu inside of the "Input Volume..." window and select "Adjust volume for Recording" instead of "Adjust volume for Playback". Then make sure that the checkbox for "Wave Out Mix" is selected and click "OK".
Let me know if you run into any other issues. Thanks for the support,
- Jason Anderson, KI6GIV
-----Original Message-----
From Tim Tuck [email protected]
Sent Thu 7/24/2008 12:36 AM To Jason Anderson [email protected]; AMSAT BB [email protected] Subject Re: [amsat-bb] Cal Poly Satellite, CP4 Beacon Help
Jason Anderson wrote:
Satellite Link Information
Frequency: 437.325Mz Modulation: FSK (but uses LSB cheat to make AFSK) Radio Mode: LSB (neccesary for LSB cheat) Baud Rate: 1200 Beacon rate: 1 beacon/minute (maybe change to 5 minutes if satellite changes mode)
Hi James,
Happy to help with this but I'm a little confused as to what I should set MixW to decode your data since I have 5 possible forms of 1200 baud to set it to which are....
Standard 1200/2200 Hz Zero Crossing 600/1200 hz Zero Crossing 1200/2400 Hz satellite PSK FX469: 1200\1800 Hz
I'm new to telemetry gathering, and I 'm currently collecting packets of DelpiC3 with great success but they made it easy with their own program.